about me

Hey friends. I’m Becky Stewart. 

A mother of three and former crisis line worker, I now work in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside supporting vulnerable and marginalized folks. 

I’ve been knitting for over 24 years! I created KnitOm to share my passion for knitting and invite fellow creatives and chronic illness warriors to join me on the journey of inviting more health, peace and joy into my life.

I’m passionate about helping others to manage stress, grief, and chronic illness, and ultimately find more joy and meaning in life!

quick facts about me

  1.  I was born in Jersey, Channel Islands, and now live in Vancouver, Canada. 
  2. I’ve been knitting for 24+ years. 
  3. I have Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) a rare type of autoimmune disease that causes arthritis in your spine, and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS)
  4. I work in Vancouver’s DTES providing support to vulnerable/marginalized women and gender diverse folks. 
  5. I love coffee and donuts (jelly-filled and sugar-coated).

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"Becky Stewart it helps a lot. Your challenges have been like a lifeline in a particularly complicated lace pattern. Although everyday practices aren't perfect, at least I'm trying to practice. Never underestimate the number of people who you are quietly helping out here."
30-day challenge participant
“I started my 3rd papillon shawl just for this meditation. It has truly helped me through this trying year.”
Commit-to-Knit Challenge participant
“After participating in your challenges a few times, this is the one that I slip into the most often. My mind settles and I become restful.”
Commit-to-Knit Challenge Participant

Becky teaches knitting as a mindful creative practice to help people manage stress, grief, and chronic illness. She is a mother of three, living in Vancouver. She loves coffee, reading, and knitting (of course!).